Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - CELEBRATION!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Garry Oak. This park is one of the few remaining Garry Oak forests in western Washington.
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Plan for the park
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Celebrating early!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Setting up displays
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Britt McGrath of Tahoma Audubon and the Sheriff get ready
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Nature Center and Tahoma Audubon
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Very soft and pettable
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Audubon and Nature Center displays
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Volunteers of all kinds!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Trails had interested parties immediately
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Rufous Hummer male on that perch he owns
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Jerry shares scope views of the hummingbird
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Pollinators were busy
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Dark-eyed Junco, one of many singing up a storm
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - BLUE bird houses! What bird would those be for?
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - And more blue houses!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - No, not for sale! For use, actual use!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Sarah Smith of Tahoma Audubon
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - A perfect throw!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Congratulations are in order!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Time to eat!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Serving tent
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Chowing down
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Great eats!
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Golfing to save the world
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Visiting the booths
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Networking
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Sarah Smith with Jerry Broadus, president of Tahoma Audubon Society
Tahoma Audubon: 6-2-18 - Another talented athlete makes the hole!