Tahneelynn: Bullshit goggles
Tahneelynn: courage or conformity
Tahneelynn: End the Fed
Tahneelynn: food not bombs
Tahneelynn: give them attention
Tahneelynn: government
Tahneelynn: harmful if swallowed
Tahneelynn: humans are the weapons
Tahneelynn: I tell you . . .
Tahneelynn: I Want You
Tahneelynn: I'm sorry
Tahneelynn: Inflation
Tahneelynn: know the system
Tahneelynn: nobody cares (so it seems)
Tahneelynn: nothing interesting
Tahneelynn: Rights
Tahneelynn: Sheep People
Tahneelynn: shrine of the statists
Tahneelynn: stunted
Tahneelynn: uninvolved
Tahneelynn: war IS terror
Tahneelynn: what is it
Tahneelynn: a drug for this, a drug for that
Tahneelynn: FDA approves
Tahneelynn: free speech
Tahneelynn: no free thinking
Tahneelynn: HAARP
Tahneelynn: half truth
Tahneelynn: no more