tagscats: foodogwip5
tagscats: foodogwip6
tagscats: foodogwip7
tagscats: foodogwip8
tagscats: foodogwip9
tagscats: foodogwip10
tagscats: foodogwip11
tagscats: Foo dog, upper half shading 3
tagscats: Foo Dog, upper half shading 2
tagscats: Foo Dog, upper half shading 1
tagscats: foodogwip16
tagscats: foodogwip17
tagscats: foodogwip18
tagscats: foodogwip19
tagscats: foodogwip20
tagscats: outer arm
tagscats: inside arm, wind bars & smoke
tagscats: back of arm, wind bars & smoke
tagscats: inner arm, wind bars & smoke
tagscats: wrist peony
tagscats: inside of arm
tagscats: wrist
tagscats: back of arm
tagscats: inner arm
tagscats: foo dog eyes
tagscats: side arm
tagscats: Next to last touchup session #1
tagscats: next to last touchup session #2
tagscats: next to last touchup session #3
tagscats: next to last touchup session #4