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Arkansas by Nola Nate
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Nola Nate
I see thee still before me
Nola Nate
post impressionistic
Nola Nate
Forest Reflection
Nola Nate
pluck the day when it is ripe
Nola Nate
Ouachita Soft Shell
Nola Nate
Nola Nate
and we are just breakable
Nola Nate
The Rickety Roads
Nola Nate
Buffalo Bluff
Nola Nate
the cool, sweet waters flowing
Nola Nate
soft tranquility
Nola Nate
forms in the silent air
Nola Nate
the words are theirs
Nola Nate
We could stand for a century
Nola Nate
you do lose what you don't hold
Nola Nate
Ozark Creek
Nola Nate
Lush Cultivation
Nola Nate
Ozark Highlands
Nola Nate
Bikes and Boat
Nola Nate
Cave Shrooms
Nola Nate
the shape of their goneness will flare up anew
Nola Nate
Spiny Softshell
Nola Nate
Bokeh Fa Shokeh
Nola Nate
Cave Light
Nola Nate
Vulture Silhouette
Nola Nate
Bokeh Bloom Painting
Nola Nate
Buffalo Tributary
Nola Nate
Take Flight
Nola Nate
Watching the River Flow
Nola Nate
Nature's Contructs
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