Nola Nate: I see thee still before me
Nola Nate: post impressionistic
Nola Nate: Forest Reflection
Nola Nate: pluck the day when it is ripe
Nola Nate: Ouachita Soft Shell
Nola Nate: quiescent
Nola Nate: and we are just breakable
Nola Nate: The Rickety Roads
Nola Nate: Buffalo Bluff
Nola Nate: the cool, sweet waters flowing
Nola Nate: soft tranquility
Nola Nate: forms in the silent air
Nola Nate: the words are theirs
Nola Nate: We could stand for a century
Nola Nate: you do lose what you don't hold
Nola Nate: Ozark Creek
Nola Nate: Lush Cultivation
Nola Nate: Ozark Highlands
Nola Nate: Bikes and Boat
Nola Nate: Cave Shrooms
Nola Nate: the shape of their goneness will flare up anew
Nola Nate: Spiny Softshell
Nola Nate: Bokeh Fa Shokeh
Nola Nate: Cave Light
Nola Nate: Vulture Silhouette
Nola Nate: Bokeh Bloom Painting
Nola Nate: Buffalo Tributary
Nola Nate: Take Flight
Nola Nate: Watching the River Flow
Nola Nate: Nature's Contructs