PQz: Raio verde
PQz: Até em Auschwitz o céu é azul
PQz: Late night in the office
PQz: Drag-dragon
PQz: Und Gott sprach: Es werde Licht! und es ward Licht.
PQz: Até amanhã
PQz: I wish you were here
PQz: Do tempo da outra senhora
PQz: Home
PQz: Cinzento vivo
PQz: Nas asas do meu desejo
PQz: 1941-1945
PQz: São Francisco, do lado certo da vida
PQz: Me gusta España
PQz: Der Himmel über Sevilla
PQz: Kitsch andaluz
PQz: Mãe Rússia
PQz: Treptower Park
PQz: Lazy Sunday
PQz: Unser Zeichen ist die Sonne
PQz: Cedo demais
PQz: Passeio de bicicleta
PQz: Looking up through the window
PQz: Fooling around with my camera's settings
PQz: A roof over our heads
PQz: The typical roof tiles shot
PQz: Waking up in Lisbon
PQz: The top is a lonely place to be
PQz: Großer Stern, große See und kleines Flugzeug
PQz: Morning sky