_Matt_T_: Into the distance
_Matt_T_: Stuart Street Yard at Dusk
_Matt_T_: Stuart Street Yard at Dusk
_Matt_T_: Railway Abstract
_Matt_T_: Dundurn Park Lunch
_Matt_T_: Ford Anglia
_Matt_T_: '55 Merc Montclair
_Matt_T_: '55 Merc Montclair
_Matt_T_: Drive-In Theatre
_Matt_T_: Vigilance
_Matt_T_: Vigilance 2
_Matt_T_: Sunny side of the street
_Matt_T_: Distortion
_Matt_T_: Tower
_Matt_T_: Bagel
_Matt_T_: Established 1908
_Matt_T_: Holiday Shopping Pause
_Matt_T_: Pedestrian Art
_Matt_T_: Princess Point - Hamilton Harbour Waterfront Trail
_Matt_T_: Pond Hockey on Cootes
_Matt_T_: Bridging the canal
_Matt_T_: Distorted (Bank of) Commerce
_Matt_T_: The clean streets of Hamilton
_Matt_T_: The sunny side of the street
_Matt_T_: Banked corner
_Matt_T_: Custom House
_Matt_T_: Pay your taxes!
_Matt_T_: Pigot from the Gore
_Matt_T_: Dominion Building
_Matt_T_: Dominion Building