Travis Estell: Justin and I handshake
Travis Estell: Tongue stuck in hi-hat
Travis Estell: Moviemaking t-shirt
Travis Estell: Dave Engle in Boyz II Men
Travis Estell: Phill at the Apple Store
Travis Estell: SoHo Natural Cola
Travis Estell: Standing on the Rhodes
Travis Estell: Playing the Rhodes
Travis Estell: Drum break
Travis Estell: Lights
Travis Estell: Buffalo Killers
Travis Estell: Construction in Clifton Heights
Travis Estell: Dingle sledding
Travis Estell: McMicken in the snow
Travis Estell: My front porch
Travis Estell: My back porch
Travis Estell: Stratford Avenue
Travis Estell: To: Travis. From: Your Fav. Teachers
Travis Estell: Attack of the 50 Ft. Justin
Travis Estell: Howard Dean Haruspex