taelcat: Craetive Costumes at the Sheraton
taelcat: Atlanta from the Food Court
taelcat: Atlanta from the food court
taelcat: Atlanta from the 22nd Floor of the Hilton
taelcat: Brian Markinson & Luvia Petersen -- Coontinuum Panel
taelcat: Jen Spence - Coontinuum Panel
taelcat: Falling Skies Panel
taelcat: Falling Skies Panel
taelcat: The Marriott
taelcat: Looking up in the Marriott
taelcat: The Marriott
taelcat: The Marriott
taelcat: Darth, Leia and friends
taelcat: Muppet Storm Troopers
taelcat: Muppet Storm Troopers
taelcat: Captain Morgan
taelcat: I would not want to be in this elevator!
taelcat: Oh no! It's Billith!!
taelcat: Deanna & Lwaxana Troi.
taelcat: Dragon*con