tadekk: photosoc at its very best
tadekk: this week only: £40 for a flight
tadekk: honk honk
tadekk: dog muck, thieving kids and crusty jugglers
tadekk: put your hands up in the hole
tadekk: #265 gawel...
tadekk: starbucks trio
tadekk: yet another lovely sunset in London
tadekk: family portrait (on a bench)
tadekk: plug in your sexPod
tadekk: everybody likes to video
tadekk: marching elves
tadekk: don't mess with short chicks with bug guns
tadekk: stupid crowd watching
tadekk: buckingham tourists?
tadekk: not a particularly intelligent look
tadekk: Queen's guard is out of focus
tadekk: so many cameras, so little hands
tadekk: world jew photo
tadekk: james park looks inviting
tadekk: sightseeing (hangover style)
tadekk: (not very) original shot of Ben
tadekk: former new scotland yard?
tadekk: big white ball
tadekk: eye of London
tadekk: picture in an endless line to vote - priceless
tadekk: ferrari (with yoghurt on top)
tadekk: polish power!
tadekk: yeah, you too
tadekk: humiliation: i haz it