tadashi koizumi: Anti- pop culture
tadashi koizumi: Chrinstmas night
tadashi koizumi: "Who's there?"
tadashi koizumi: "Knock Knock."
tadashi koizumi: Rain.... I think he needs this...
tadashi koizumi: Sun is too blight
tadashi koizumi: Do not worry, he is nice.
tadashi koizumi: _MG_9401
tadashi koizumi: necklace
tadashi koizumi: Life is Bathroom.
tadashi koizumi: Rainy day and day
tadashi koizumi: _MG_9422
tadashi koizumi: Life is Bathroom_2
tadashi koizumi: Rainy Day.
tadashi koizumi: getting old
tadashi koizumi: Harakiri on the spoon
tadashi koizumi: The night before my birthday
tadashi koizumi: castle on the ground
tadashi koizumi: Pee pot 2
tadashi koizumi: Dog is strong.
tadashi koizumi: Travel time
tadashi koizumi: kick kick