tacojohn_li: Jerome
tacojohn_li: Jerome
tacojohn_li: Don't bother me...
tacojohn_li: It's delicious!!
tacojohn_li: Is it good to eat?!
tacojohn_li: Is it good to eat?!
tacojohn_li: I love fruits!!!
tacojohn_li: No photograph!!!
tacojohn_li: who's Schmmi?!
tacojohn_li: I am the KungFu master!!
tacojohn_li: Jerome: Looking for
tacojohn_li: Jerome: Don't mess me up!!
tacojohn_li: Hold me tight!!
tacojohn_li: Hey, dude!!
tacojohn_li: Jerome
tacojohn_li: Jerome and his grandma
tacojohn_li: Let me go out!!!