starfishprime: trinity river audubon center, dallas
starfishprime: trinity river audubon center, dallas
starfishprime: trinity river audubon center, dallas
starfishprime: trinity river audubon center, dallas
starfishprime: trinity river audubon center, dallas
starfishprime: trinity river audubon center, dallas
starfishprime: that library again
starfishprime: roof detail, inwood theater
starfishprime: lochwood branch public library
starfishprime: the fabric at the top of the world is rich and varied
starfishprime: dallas hall, southern methodist university
starfishprime: contain your wilder side here
starfishprime: tower, texas! music center?
starfishprime: music hall at fair park
starfishprime: animal pens
starfishprime: the arena
starfishprime: the state fair of texas milking parlor
starfishprime: geometry
starfishprime: buckhorn saloon
starfishprime: holiday motel
starfishprime: texas theater - dallas' burlesque festival
starfishprime: white rock station, dallas area rapid transit
starfishprime: christmas cheer or something
starfishprime: big screen tv
starfishprime: i believe superman works here or something.
starfishprime: one might be lead to believe the designers of this building enjoy the aspects of light.
starfishprime: a visit to charleston