starfishprime: rainbowwhtrimalt
starfishprime: petraalt
starfishprime: needlesalt
starfishprime: cropneedlesalt
starfishprime: cairnsalt
starfishprime: red skies at night
starfishprime: rovers on the moon
starfishprime: shopped modern ft. worth
starfishprime: yella man
starfishprime: color altered mask
starfishprime: moths, enhanced
starfishprime: white bones, sea of blue
starfishprime: death on the climbing wall
starfishprime: altered color emp - wizard of oz style
starfishprime: thats my coke
starfishprime: emp/needle false color (no, really)
starfishprime: hoover dude altered
starfishprime: orange skies
starfishprime: tent rocks with a little added zip
starfishprime: blue lamp
starfishprime: st stephen's tower
starfishprime: 50's postcard-like
starfishprime: taos gorge bridge, winter, tonal
starfishprime: ft worth museum of modern art, 'shopped
starfishprime: black rover
starfishprime: i-am-irontable, 'shopped
starfishprime: MINI roundel
starfishprime: republic-tree-crop-shop