Tané Tachyon: Table/baskets for collecting audience-supplied sentences and dilemmas prior to the "3 Years Later" improv performance at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Outdoor potluck at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Sandwich and baked-potato bar at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Welcome signs by the Resource Center at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Some of the sharing tables at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Memorial table at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: AFE History pages/signs I had done the editing and layout for
Tané Tachyon: AFE T-shirts for sale
Tané Tachyon: A nice sign at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration - we should appropriate it for Games Group
Tané Tachyon: Welcome signs/schedule for the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Some kids dance to the "Magical Steel Drum Band" during the potluck at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Another view of the potluck at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Some familiar faces at the potluck for the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Playground fun at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Zack comes to take some playground pictures as well
Tané Tachyon: More playground fun
Tané Tachyon: Arthur and Julian make funny poses for Zack
Tané Tachyon: Hannah is about to serve the volleyball
Tané Tachyon: Shawn gets Michele and Rory to pose for a picture
Tané Tachyon: People starting to gather for a group photo in front of the Branciforte building, at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Conner getting ready to take the group photo at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Some of the people toward the back of the group photo
Tané Tachyon: Some familiar faces to my right
Tané Tachyon: Barak (among others) sighting
Tané Tachyon: Jasmin is trying for sort of a group countdown before the group photo
Tané Tachyon: In front of the group-photo posing, Conner photographs Nancy and Jasmin with one of the cakes
Tané Tachyon: Conner photographing some current and former AFE staff with the cake
Tané Tachyon: Julian, Zohar, Zack, and Arthur in an animated conversation at the playground
Tané Tachyon: Even more playground fun at the AFE 20th Anniversary Celebration
Tané Tachyon: Jasmin MC's the alumni panel