jjb film: ...1975 Vintage lens fun...
Romerike den store: Cottage under the circular starry sky
Natali Antonovich: Painting by Natali Antonovich "Who will answer me?"
sonia furtado: Orquídea
David Marriott - Sydney: North Creek aerial || Ballina
powerfocusfotografie: Hidden beauty
Draculina (Anne): The apple tree
Gilberto Franco: EVENING LAMP
Flickr: 16 Questions about 1 Photo with Mike Hawkins
elke.bernt: Eichhörnchen (Sciurus) / Squirrel (Sciurus)
moaan: Christmas Ornaments
Eggii: autumn...
Fotolando: IMG_7325
powerfocusfotografie: Fly me to the moon
Josep M.Toset: danaus chrysippus
woodwoolstool: salento september 2023
felicefelines: Elegance (Sarcasm)
maj-lis: En blöt blomma
Jabi Artaraz: Udako iluntze bat
sonia furtado: Quinta-flower
Arturo Nahum: portrait
maj-lis: Vitsippan
Miss-Louly (Thanks for the 2,4 millions views): Un parterre de tulipes mauves... (à voir en grand)
maj-lis: Min gröna stengärdesgård, massor av mossa ..
Carol aka 奇芍: Water Lily
Helmut Hess: kitchen stuff
JensM75: Landscape
C. Reyes.: Flores del jardín. IN EXPLORE.