tschnitzlein: Zeit [bumped]
tschnitzlein: Decision - Entscheidung
tschnitzlein: Caution - visiting art museums can seriously alter your perception!
tschnitzlein: Strange Bicycle, Berlin [bumped]
tschnitzlein: Potsdamer Platz, Berlin {Explored on 11/25/2005}
tschnitzlein: Walking By {Explored on 01/16/2006}
tschnitzlein: Nocturnal Shop Windows / The Mystery of the First Instant
tschnitzlein: Chernobyl - 20 Years Later [bumped for 21st anniversary]
tschnitzlein: Flagpoles [No Flags]
tschnitzlein: Still Portrait in Motion {Explored on 03/27/2006}
tschnitzlein: Sudden Enlightenment
tschnitzlein: Guardians of the Gate
tschnitzlein: Who Needs Strawberries Anyway? {Explored on 06/09/2006}
tschnitzlein: Space Oddity aka Vibrating Entity
tschnitzlein: Halcyon Days [Summer Breeze V.3] {Explored on 09/11/2006}