detengase: Tehran Bazar
detengase: Tehran street scene
detengase: the magnificent Marble Throne
detengase: Alabaster
detengase: Tehran
detengase: tile detail
detengase: tile detail
detengase: tiled ceiling
detengase: mirror work
detengase: mirror and tile work
detengase: Tehran Golestan Palace
detengase: tile work with inlaid glass
detengase: Tehran Golestan Palace
detengase: Alabaster sculpture
detengase: Tehran Golestan Palace
detengase: Tehran Golestan Palace
detengase: Central Tehran street scene, 1500m above sea level
detengase: Tehran
detengase: Tehran
detengase: Ferdosi
detengase: garden entrance gate
detengase: pistachio bastani
detengase: at Tajrish Square in Northern Tehran
detengase: Tajrish Square in Northern Tehran
detengase: Mosque
detengase: Teahouse
detengase: Teahouse
detengase: Tehran Mirdamad
detengase: Tehran Metro station
detengase: Tehran Metro station