te.esce: Bricks 1
te.esce: Bricks 2
te.esce: Now in ruins, still impressive
te.esce: Bricks 3
te.esce: Cottage, Rhineland
te.esce: Hidden places
te.esce: Old bridge
te.esce: Chapel
te.esce: Roman wall
te.esce: The Ruins of Castle Falkenstein
te.esce: TSC_0099
te.esce: Signs on the wall
te.esce: A signed door
te.esce: Skywards
te.esce: The earth...
te.esce: Many shapes
te.esce: Chimney brothers
te.esce: Baroque portal, baroque sky
te.esce: Blue, rust & white
te.esce: Living behind the railroad
te.esce: Looking upwards
te.esce: Sleeping Beauties' Castle, Entrance
te.esce: Postcard castle
te.esce: Runkel castle
te.esce: S.P.Q.R.
te.esce: Baroque view on a renaissance palace
te.esce: Schloss Drachenburg
te.esce: We're listening !
te.esce: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"
te.esce: Pentecost in November