Tom Hanawa: Looking downward
Tom Hanawa: Start of blooming
Tom Hanawa: Full blossom
Tom Hanawa: 400 yrs old
Tom Hanawa: Before sunrise
Tom Hanawa: Cherrry blossoms at night
Tom Hanawa: In the morning sunlight
Tom Hanawa: Spring on the river bank
Tom Hanawa: Green with cherry blossoms
Tom Hanawa: At the bottom of the hill
Tom Hanawa: Bewitching
Tom Hanawa: To the next stage
Tom Hanawa: Simplicity on the slope
Tom Hanawa: Cherry tree in the remote area_1
Tom Hanawa: Cherry tree in the remote area_2
Tom Hanawa: Pink in the green color
Tom Hanawa: Umbrella leaf/ Diphylleia
Tom Hanawa: Togakushiso-Ranzania Japonica
Tom Hanawa: Blooming in rainy season_02
Tom Hanawa: Smile in the rain
Tom Hanawa: White safflower
Tom Hanawa: Lotus in the rain_01
Tom Hanawa: Water lily in the rain
Tom Hanawa: Kinugasasou (Paris Japonica)
Tom Hanawa: Too late blooming in my yard
Tom Hanawa: For nectar of cosmos on the river bank
Tom Hanawa: On a footpath between rice fields
Tom Hanawa: Under the peach tree
Tom Hanawa: Colony of the cluster amaryllis_02
Tom Hanawa: Colony of the cluster amaryllis_03