TC.: The Prado
TC.: Marlyin Moo
TC.: Parque del Buen Retiro
TC.: Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid.
TC.: Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid.
TC.: Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid.
TC.: Museum of Ham
TC.: Museum of Ham
TC.: ham ham ham and more ham
TC.: Fit for a princess
TC.: Chocolate and Churos
TC.: Chocolateria
TC.: home sweet home in Madrid
TC.: Villa Rosa
TC.: La Violeta
TC.: Must not lick the windows....
TC.: Plaza Del Sol @ Night
TC.: Goat/Sheeps heads
TC.: more of the good stuff
TC.: Seafood
TC.: Lunch
TC.: fruit salad to go
TC.: I want candy!
TC.: former umbrella factory
TC.: Chimney's up close
TC.: Up on the roof
TC.: La Pedrera
TC.: Gothic evening
TC.: Egipte from the balcony
TC.: Cafe Zurich interior