t-bet: IMG_3227
t-bet: Mercado Central, Santiago Chile
t-bet: Vina del mar, chlie
t-bet: Mercado Central, Santiago Chile
t-bet: chi! le! chi chi chi! le le le! viva chile!
t-bet: valet bike parking in downtown santiago
t-bet: at the playground on el huinganal
t-bet: swans at Vitacura
t-bet: The boats at the port of Valparaiso
t-bet: Tourist shops
t-bet: Ricardo at Vina del Mar
t-bet: bird sitting on the pipe organ
t-bet: swan at vitacura
t-bet: pipe organ Fiesta at Vitacura
t-bet: Underneath the tent at the fiesta at Vitacura
t-bet: carcass at paseo huinganal
t-bet: pomaire, chile
t-bet: SCL