t-a-i: Day 226 | Windows.
t-a-i: Day 226 | Underworld.
t-a-i: Day 228 | Yellow.
t-a-i: Day 228 | Hose.
t-a-i: Day 248 | Sunrise.
t-a-i: Day 248 | Field.
t-a-i: Day 248 | We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl year after year.
t-a-i: Day 248 | I have been watching a lot of sunsets lately.
t-a-i: Day 256 | Thought I told you I have been watching a lot of sunsets lately.
t-a-i: Day 255 | Layer of mist.
t-a-i: Day 255 | Reflections
t-a-i: Day 255 | The castle within.
t-a-i: Day 255 | Forest is full of stars.
t-a-i: Day 255 | Peeping through the layers.
t-a-i: Day 255 | Yes it is another sunset again.
t-a-i: Day 269 | This is not a Christmas Bauble.
t-a-i: Day 277 | Still in the woods.
t-a-i: Day 281 | Searching beauty from the mundanity #2
t-a-i: Day 281 | Entrance to another universe.
t-a-i: Day 281 | The only path forward.
t-a-i: Day 282 | Fighting against the darkness.
t-a-i: Day 283 | Santa is not coming from the sea.
t-a-i: Day 283 | Yes, there is also sunset on Christmas.