Sea Moon: Aquamarine On Quartz
Dob_Herr_Mannu: Fractal><InfectioN
fluor_doublet: spessartine
howie516: Quartz Scepters with Chlorite
howie516: Mimetite over Wulfenite
howie516: Sphalerite and Gelena crystals over Quartz
howie516: Fluorite on Quartz matrix
howie516: Fluorite
howie516: Garnet crystals over Smokey Quartz
smulaxx: vosa
smulaxx: Offretite
smulaxx: Erionite
smulaxx: Quartz, wolframite, fluorite
smulaxx: silver
smulaxx: fluorite
Sea Moon: Fintasmagoria
smulaxx: Emerald
smulaxx: Phacolite
smulaxx: Lévyn
smulaxx: Chrysocolla
someHerrings: Sterling Hill Calcite Willemite - UVc
someHerrings: Morrocan Cerrusite Calcite Barite - Blue LED (through Yellow filter)
someHerrings: Fluorescent Mineral Group2: Colorful Crystals - UVabc
smulaxx: Vanadinite
smulaxx: Jarosite
daydreamCry: colors
daydreamCry: Minerals
daydreamCry: Opal, Honduras