wanderinggrrl: Chicks Abound
wanderinggrrl: Not-So-Little Family
wanderinggrrl: King of the Mamas
wanderinggrrl: Partners
wanderinggrrl: When You *Are* Art
wanderinggrrl: Chicks Abound
wanderinggrrl: The Duck and Hen Mamas Who Chose to CoParent this Year
wanderinggrrl: Crackerjack, the llama-alpaca guardian
wanderinggrrl: Crackerjack, the llama-alpaca guardian
wanderinggrrl: Snacktime
wanderinggrrl: Ducklings Learning to Dive
wanderinggrrl: Lord Protector
wanderinggrrl: And both girls are already showing their sassiness.
wanderinggrrl: Ragnar was also testing what was edible...the jury's out on the cart.
wanderinggrrl: Chuck is looking strong and healthy
wanderinggrrl: The Duck and Hen Mamas Who Chose to CoParent this Year
wanderinggrrl: The Duck and Hen Mamas Who Chose to CoParent this Year