sarah.yusko: and it begins...
sarah.yusko: they came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after a while they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday.
sarah.yusko: cupid was here
sarah.yusko: criss-cross
sarah.yusko: bare magnolia
sarah.yusko: daybreak
sarah.yusko: little black book
sarah.yusko: text message
sarah.yusko: a certain slant of light
sarah.yusko: sleep in this morning, bluebirds
sarah.yusko: of winter's lifeless world each tree now seems a perfect part; yet each one holds summer's secret deep down within its heart.
sarah.yusko: belly-up
sarah.yusko: a break in the weather
sarah.yusko: note to self
sarah.yusko: squirrel bait
sarah.yusko: the corks
sarah.yusko: a little nostalgia
sarah.yusko: brief escape
sarah.yusko: lullaby and goodnight
sarah.yusko: a lot of people like snow. i find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
sarah.yusko: softly melt away
sarah.yusko: oh, you know, just another picture of my dog sleeping upside down
sarah.yusko: lift off!
sarah.yusko: small solace
sarah.yusko: i like these cold, gray winter days. days like these let you savor a bad mood.
sarah.yusko: it was evening all afternoon. it was snowing, and it was going to snow.
sarah.yusko: dear sun, see you tomorrow. we'll begin again.
sarah.yusko: change of season
sarah.yusko: honky-tonk row
sarah.yusko: it is spring fever. that is what the name of it is. and when you've got it, you want--oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!