sarah.yusko: cosmos
sarah.yusko: a setting sun still whispers a promise for tomorrow.
sarah.yusko: i'd rather be at mount vernon with a friend or two about me...
sarah.yusko: riverbend
sarah.yusko: intertwined
sarah.yusko: a bit of fence, caught in a tree
sarah.yusko: rising sun
sarah.yusko: fence!
sarah.yusko: only the lonely
sarah.yusko: secret garden
sarah.yusko: old fence
sarah.yusko: convinced she can do everything she's ever dreamed of with just a little more space.
sarah.yusko: matildaville
sarah.yusko: home base
sarah.yusko: bluebells
sarah.yusko: growing over
sarah.yusko: repose
sarah.yusko: hexagon
sarah.yusko: the february sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.
sarah.yusko: places i want to remember
sarah.yusko: just a few lights on this fence
sarah.yusko: every garderner knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle...a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. and the anticipation nurtures our dream.
sarah.yusko: wildlife protection
sarah.yusko: and the days dwindle down to a precious few, september, november--and these few precious days i'd spend with you, these golden days i'd spend with you.
sarah.yusko: daybreak
sarah.yusko: little friday blooms