syscosteve: G.E. Building or 570 Lexington Ave at 51st Street
syscosteve: G.E.Building or 570 Lexington Ave at 51st St.
syscosteve: Fred French Building Fresco
syscosteve: IMG_72633
syscosteve: The Sherry Netherland Hotel Peak
syscosteve: Charles Scribbner's and Sons-597 5th Ave and 48th Street
syscosteve: Helmsley Building - 230 Park Ave., between E45 and E46
syscosteve: Fred French Building Fresco
syscosteve: Fred French Building Fresco
syscosteve: IMG_7273
syscosteve: IMG_7272
syscosteve: IMG_7270
syscosteve: IMG_7268
syscosteve: IMG_7267
syscosteve: IMG_7260
syscosteve: IMG_7255
syscosteve: NYC Buildings
syscosteve: New York City Buildings
syscosteve: New York City Building Art
syscosteve: Macy's
syscosteve: IMG_1739
syscosteve: IMG_1781
syscosteve: New York City Building Art
syscosteve: Building Art
syscosteve: Grand Cetral Terminal Facade
syscosteve: Facade Detail
syscosteve: Central Savings Bank Doors on Broadway
syscosteve: IMG_4960
syscosteve: IMG_4967
syscosteve: Building Details