Syrtis: St Paul's Ravening Beasts
Syrtis: The Blobs I
Syrtis: St. Mary Redcliffe Spire
Syrtis: Mystery Pod
Syrtis: Blair Witch ?
Syrtis: There is a light
Syrtis: The Blobs II
Syrtis: Cardiff Clouds
Syrtis: Tickle tickle!
Syrtis: Malkovich Malkovich
Syrtis: Trinny-Bot
Syrtis: Anne Droid
Syrtis: Doc & Martha Costumes
Syrtis: Mike Collins - Mighty Comics Dude
Syrtis: Dalek
Syrtis: Daaaaaaaalek
Syrtis: Chunky Cyberman
Syrtis: Blue K9
Syrtis: I'm ready to go to Torchwood now, please!
Syrtis: Torchwood Break-In #2
Syrtis: Freaky Faces
Syrtis: End of the Line
Syrtis: Shiny Prong
Syrtis: "I found the shop!"
Syrtis: Cardiff Castle Tower
Syrtis: Castle Arcade 1
Syrtis: Arcade 2
Syrtis: Wall Lion
Syrtis: Wall Bear