*jolanka*: a grass fairy
*jolanka*: a cheeky baby
*jolanka*: pink...
*jolanka*: by the lake...
*jolanka*: večerné slnko...
*jolanka*: a girl...
*jolanka*: Anjeličku strážničku...
*jolanka*: hod kameňom...
*jolanka*: z profilu...
*jolanka*: behind the fence...
*jolanka*: child lost in a tunnel...
*jolanka*: detail...
*jolanka*: detail...
*jolanka*: cheeky faces...
*jolanka*: cherries...
*jolanka*: DU voda
*jolanka*: a taste of the history...
*jolanka*: Clemantis...
*jolanka*: wintertime without snow
*jolanka*: eyes crossed...
*jolanka*: a winter portrait
*jolanka*: moje prve newborn