SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Just some of our friendly library staffers!
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Tasty treats for students to eat!
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
The Open House also included some raffles and contests
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Students are excited at all of the items they can check out at the library.
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
The raffles continue to be a popular Open House contest
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
How much candy do you think is in there?
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
There are plenty of prizes for plenty of students!
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
A sampling of our free library information handouts and take-aways
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Check it out (literally)! All of these items and more can be borrowed from the Technology Support and Loan Desk
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
The library is full of school spirit!
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Students stop by for some information and a quick bite to eat
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Students try to guess how much candy is in the container
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
There's a lot of candy at stake!
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
The SU librarians are always eager to chat with students
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
A student chats with two librarians
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Some more Open House goodies, courtesy of Pages Café
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
More students enter to win prizes
SU Libraries, Learning and Academic Engagement:
Students are already in need of some brain food!