synthetic_tom: a kitchen at 6 mile and john r
synthetic_tom: church main room
synthetic_tom: first floor of factory
synthetic_tom: broken window
synthetic_tom: get your game on
synthetic_tom: through the window
synthetic_tom: 4th floor
synthetic_tom: corridor into another factory
synthetic_tom: view of the entry from the second floor
synthetic_tom: poor fella
synthetic_tom: main room
synthetic_tom: top floor
synthetic_tom: coming back down
synthetic_tom: Exterior of Apartment Building
synthetic_tom: Pidgeons Chillin'
synthetic_tom: A lovely green pattern...
synthetic_tom: Makes for a creepy-ass room.
synthetic_tom: Just a taste of Packard.
synthetic_tom: long way from the river
synthetic_tom: Corridor w/ tarps
synthetic_tom: Yet another long corridor
synthetic_tom: Window view
synthetic_tom: From the roof
synthetic_tom: Tar cans on the roof