Idol: 9-11 Anniversary
Idol: July 4 fireworks
Idol: Crazy couple
Idol: A better shot of the Lady
Idol: Medieval Torture Chamber
Idol: A wonderful feeling
Idol: Cave of the Winds
Idol: A Bird's View
Idol: My Fav of the Lot
Idol: Breathtaking view
Idol: The best view I could get
Idol: Highlights
Idol: Blue Streak
Idol: Wave trains
Idol: Multiple Personality Disorder
Idol: True Colors
Idol: Your friendly neighborhood cop
Idol: Lake of Dreams
Idol: The closing bell
Idol: Thrill at the theme park
Idol: Light up
Idol: A Perfect Getaway
Idol: The glow
Idol: Divine Trinity
Idol: The Eureka Moment
Idol: Rector Street Metro Station
Idol: The Argumentative Indian
Idol: Pirate(d) Carribean
Idol: Bridge on troubled waters
Idol: Center of Central Park