sylweczka: Hiking in the autumn's forest
sylweczka: Hiking in the autumn's forest
sylweczka: Wedding in the mountains
sylweczka: Piz Linard
sylweczka: Piz Linard and its SE ridge
sylweczka: Piz Linard (SE ridge) by night
sylweczka: On the ridge
sylweczka: We were not alone climbing the ridge!
sylweczka: We were not alone climbing the ridge!
sylweczka: Climbing the SE ridge
sylweczka: Piz Linard with its SE ridge
sylweczka: On the ridge
sylweczka: Rappelling from Gendarme
sylweczka: The SE ridge
sylweczka: Here's looking at you, kid
sylweczka: Steinbock
sylweczka: Steinbock's family
sylweczka: Climbing SE-ridge
sylweczka: "what a shit...."
sylweczka: Damn long, but so beautiful (!!!) SE-ridge
sylweczka: On the summit!
sylweczka: Alps coverd by the first snow
sylweczka: Bernina mountains