Grant Silverthorn: Thanksgivings past...
Grant Silverthorn: Barn & Sky
Grant Silverthorn: Tools of the trade
Grant Silverthorn: Paris Dam in Autumn
Grant Silverthorn: Resting beauty
Grant Silverthorn: Oppressing Sky II
Grant Silverthorn: Perspective of a Rat
Grant Silverthorn: Kirby intellect
Grant Silverthorn: Play us a song you're the piano man....
Grant Silverthorn: End of day colours
Grant Silverthorn: Oppressing sky
Grant Silverthorn: Silent morning
Grant Silverthorn: River of Goldenrod
Grant Silverthorn: These deck chairs are mine.
Grant Silverthorn: Gentrification
Grant Silverthorn: Gerbera in macro
Grant Silverthorn: And they stand upon the peasants...
Grant Silverthorn: Farmer to the core
Grant Silverthorn: Soy at sunset
Grant Silverthorn: Amongst the faceless stones
Grant Silverthorn: Last of the dive bars
Grant Silverthorn: Blooming succulent
Grant Silverthorn: The quiet view at dusk
Grant Silverthorn: Sunset on Paris Dam
Grant Silverthorn: Frosty Field in the Fall
Grant Silverthorn: To be young....
Grant Silverthorn: Fear through the peephole