PeeblesPair: Most Gulls
maleski.dustin231: 8 deer. 8 half eaten trees.
Christoph Fischer: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
maleski.dustin231: The brightest night light
RevDrPepper: 20241224 Elf OFF the Shelf 24 of 25
ChicaD58: Waiting For Santa Is Hard Work!
ChicaD58: Waiting For Santa
-JRL- Photo's: Merry Christmas
♞Jenny♞: I want to wish you all
PeeblesPair: Winter Light
ChicaD58: Coffee Break Time with some Wookiee Cookies
ChicaD58: Season's Greetings
PeeblesPair: Fire in the Sky
:) Helder Lopes: Summer memories
marvinben663: Gråspett (Picus canus)
♞Jenny♞: Low fog was starting to form
ART NAHPRO: winter solstice rose
Pete Vielhaber: Layers of Time
ChicaD58: Desperate Times on the Death Star
-JRL- Photo's: As Close as I can get to a Winter Wonderland
ChicaD58: Feeling Festive
-Brad-: Sheldon's Tale
PeeblesPair: Temple of the Four Winds
ART NAHPRO: Oil on Canvas
maleski.dustin231: One layer at a time…
:) Helder Lopes: Zerynthia Rumina
Don Delaney: American Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides dorsalis)
marvinben663: Vitryggig hackspett (Dendrocopos leucotos) Dendrocopos leucotos white-backed woodpecker
PTR: I'll send you a postcard