SidW: Rhododendron rex
SidW: Chinodoxa and Primula
SidW: Rhododendron impeditum Aaron's Delight
SidW: Rhododendron simsii
SidW: Citrus Kumquat
SidW: Hydrangea paniculata
SidW: Bear's Breeches
SidW: Rosa
SidW: Ripening Grapes
SidW: Shetland Collie, a guest visit
SidW: Rhododendron Katrin
SidW: Aubretia on the front wall
SidW: Rhododendron Scarlet Wonder (Hachmann Repens hybrid)
SidW: My desk, the sound system
SidW: Rhododendron Scarlet Wonder (Hachmann's Repens Hybrid)
SidW: Rhododendron Praecox
SidW: Dogtooth lilly
SidW: Greenhouse junk
SidW: Collection of 1950s Exakta cameras
SidW: Collection of old money boxes, some antique
SidW: Junk on my desk