Jon Sykes: IMG_5698
Jon Sykes: IMG_5697
Jon Sykes: IMG_5696
Jon Sykes: IMG_5695
Jon Sykes: IMG_5694
Jon Sykes: The Brain
Jon Sykes: The Brain
Jon Sykes: The Brain
Jon Sykes: Back of Button Boards, 2pin connector
Jon Sykes: 4 pin connector and 1/4 jacks
Jon Sykes: IMG_5682
Jon Sykes: IMG_5681
Jon Sykes: Header Connector (only 16 pins !?!?!)
Jon Sykes: The Brains
Jon Sykes: Some Logic on the button Board?
Jon Sykes: Some Logic on the button Board
Jon Sykes: Actually buttons
Jon Sykes: Buttons
Jon Sykes: Wot No Conductive
Jon Sykes: Take the top off and voila !
Jon Sykes: Bliptronic, 40h Kit, 256
Jon Sykes: All the bits from the top off