sykerabbit77: 6233 Duchess of Sutherland nears Scarborough
sykerabbit77: 6233 Duchess of Sutherland arrives at Scarborough. Sept. 3rd
sykerabbit77: 6233 Approaches Scarborough
sykerabbit77: At the Buffers
sykerabbit77: Journeys End
sykerabbit77: Nameplate
sykerabbit77: Cabside
sykerabbit77: Maintenance time
sykerabbit77: Reversing Out
sykerabbit77: 6233 enters York
sykerabbit77: 6233 Profile at York
sykerabbit77: 'The Scarborough Flyer' leaves York. 3rd Sept 2010
sykerabbit77: 6233 heads for Crewe
sykerabbit77: York Getaway (see orig. size)
sykerabbit77: The Black Duchess