sykerabbit77: 45212 Runs around train at Pickering
sykerabbit77: 63395 crosses Moorgate road bridge.
sykerabbit77: 76079 pulls in to Goathland station.
sykerabbit77: D6700 at Goathland
sykerabbit77: D6700 at Goathland
sykerabbit77: Black Five hard at it!
sykerabbit77: Sparkling B1
sykerabbit77: Black 5 at Grosmont
sykerabbit77: B1 leaves Goathland
sykerabbit77: NYMR 40
sykerabbit77: A4 on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway
sykerabbit77: 76079 gets away from Goathland
sykerabbit77: 75029 brings her train into Goathland station
sykerabbit77: D7628 at Darnholme
sykerabbit77: D6700 at Darnholme
sykerabbit77: 45212 arrives at Pickering
sykerabbit77: D6728 Sybilla pulls into Pickering station
sykerabbit77: 6339 Arrives at Goathland from Pickering
sykerabbit77: 'Black Five' 45212 heads for Pickering
sykerabbit77: D6700 growls away from Goathland
sykerabbit77: 45212 at Pickering
sykerabbit77: Woodbine
sykerabbit77: 76079 Goathland
sykerabbit77: 45212 Over the Moors
sykerabbit77: 45212 Journey's End
sykerabbit77: Bristol LG5-United at Goathland
sykerabbit77: NYMR - 60007 Sir Nigel at Darnholme April 07
sykerabbit77: NYMR Standard 2.6.0 76079 at Goathland
sykerabbit77: NYMR - 2392 at Darnholme
sykerabbit77: NYMR - 60007 Arrives at Pickering April 07