seandeledwards: Making Love To My Depression...
seandeledwards: Ship To Wreck...
seandeledwards: The Noose...Breaking Free...
seandeledwards: Ship To Wreck... Washed Ashore...
seandeledwards: The Noose...Heaven's Hanging...
seandeledwards: Knife...
seandeledwards: Reach...
seandeledwards: Cause I'm DROWNING for you.
seandeledwards: Encore... Pt. 2
seandeledwards: Encore...
seandeledwards: "Deep down I know it never works... but you could lay with me so it doesn't hurt..."
seandeledwards: "So many colors... I choose you..."
seandeledwards: "So many colors... I choose you..."
seandeledwards: Shadows...
seandeledwards: Sleeping Beauty...
seandeledwards: Energy...
seandeledwards: Buried...
seandeledwards: I could see the darkness in me and it's quite amazing...
seandeledwards: Like A Knife Over...
seandeledwards: Scream...
seandeledwards: "I'm sure I'll be the death of me" - Sza, Babylon...
seandeledwards: "Till They All Come Down..."
seandeledwards: Coming Out of Myself...
seandeledwards: "Past the hallowed and the horror..."
seandeledwards: As Far As I Could Get...
seandeledwards: Perfect Ruin...
seandeledwards: Black Gold...Pt.1
seandeledwards: Black Gold - Whitewashed...
seandeledwards: Black Gold - Whitewashed...
seandeledwards: Black Gold - Whitewashed...