Hakan Kavas: Shakirin Mosque
Roger Wasley: 1952 Allard J2X Le Mans
Roger Wasley: 1937 SS Jaguar 100
Joe Allen Photography: Slaty Flowerpiercer
Hadi Hormozi: Great Wall of China
Hadi Hormozi: Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik
dobro.dessert-0a: Imposing skies
carrchef: Sparrows in the fountain
Hanna U. images: Wrath of the swan
Photographics__: DSC_8412
aptyche: Blaumeise
PeeblesPair: Timeless
nikonshooter1954: The Sun has Gone Down Over Bumble Hole
Jon M - uk image: Sunshine at Last
thanks 4 comments and faves.: Moonshine Over Caloundra.
John Clay Photography: Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse – Casco Bay Maine
Wim van de Meerendonk, back home!: A walk through the valley
Paco Bailón Rodríguez: NATO - OTAN // Boeing E-3A Sentry // LX-N90443
christineperry1: Chatsworth House
musette thierry: Château de Campagne
birdsaspoetry: Sacred Kingfisher: Not Always Easy
Holfo: Lavender
kal.917: Ithaca 6.9.13
David May: Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, Scotland
Alexandre Milan: Cob à croissant au couchant - Waterbuck at sunset
Charlie McNeilly: River Thames: Thames Explorer & Asian Empire
Mark Rigler -: black beauty
MK 817: 500_7705