sx70manipulator: we ban that boogie sound
sx70manipulator: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley
sx70manipulator: dislocated, suffocated
sx70manipulator: This time will pass
sx70manipulator: Into the half-light
sx70manipulator: I smell the smelly smell of something that smells smelly
sx70manipulator: break away
sx70manipulator: walk away
sx70manipulator: Like a thief in the night
sx70manipulator: locust wind
sx70manipulator: Diamonds on a ring
sx70manipulator: I got to fly
sx70manipulator: nothing's making sense
sx70manipulator: life's the same...except for my shoes
sx70manipulator: kodaroid
sx70manipulator: Can't stop the sun
sx70manipulator: Be sure to wash your hands
sx70manipulator: Be careful where you stand
sx70manipulator: skate shoes