o hello: dad n pancake at torchy's
o hello: carleen!
o hello: the gardens at eastside cafe
o hello: the gardens at eastside cafe
o hello: the gardens at eastside cafe
o hello: three chickens
o hello: loves her chair from grammie and grandpa!
o hello: loves her chair from grammie and grandpa!
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: playing in the backyard
o hello: play kitchen complete!
o hello: play kitchen as found on craigslist
o hello: christmas morning
o hello: christmas eve, post santa
o hello: she slept till 10am!
o hello: look at the matching puffy profiles on those two. sweet.
o hello: tomato stew?
o hello: DSCN0499
o hello: music table was a big hit (ouch)
o hello: DSCN0493
o hello: alphabet abacus from grandaddy
o hello: DSCN0766
o hello: bye bye. special cookie moment over.
o hello: DSCN0786
o hello: DSCN0787