o hello: nursery mock-up
o hello: IMG_9225
o hello: little shoes
o hello: cute face.
o hello: IMG_9237
o hello: dresser
o hello: stuffed animals in the crib
o hello: the crib
o hello: IMG_9250
o hello: hoedown in the nursery.
o hello: fabric for curtains!
o hello: she wanted her dinner.
o hello: onesies
o hello: books from aunt DJ!
o hello: walkin' at dog island.
o hello: it's not easy to have your picture taken at 37 weeks pregnant.
o hello: new dresser
o hello: my birthday bed.
o hello: dining room.
o hello: so not a big florescent lamp.
o hello: stripes and lamp and window
o hello: jeff doing things with wires.
o hello: the dreaded florescent light.
o hello: hattie naps through the big lamp switcheroo
o hello: roxann the genius
o hello: pretending to help
o hello: maybe we weren't crazy, after all!
o hello: the moment of truth
o hello: just about done