mineral2150: IMG_4458-001
mineral2150: Dragonfly
mineral2150: Bull Frog
mineral2150: Green heron
mineral2150: Female Redwing
mineral2150: Male Redwing
mineral2150: Killdeer
mineral2150: Painted Turtle
mineral2150: Robin Red-Breast
mineral2150: Chipmunk - Ground Squirrel
mineral2150: If You Can't Beat 'em...Join Them
mineral2150: Did Our Flock Head South Without Us
mineral2150: I Think I Joined the Wrong Flock (Snow Goose)
mineral2150: Canada Geese
mineral2150: Cottontail in the Garden
mineral2150: Mallard Duckling
mineral2150: Peregrine Falcon
mineral2150: Bald Eagle
mineral2150: Gyrfalcon
mineral2150: Redtail Hawk
mineral2150: Gyrfalcon
mineral2150: Python
mineral2150: Monkey in the Mirror
mineral2150: Hungry Cat
mineral2150: Zoo Giraffe
mineral2150: White Rhino
mineral2150: Bird on a Wire
mineral2150: Seagull Collage
mineral2150: Canada Goose
mineral2150: Female Redwing