Swordscookie: A Barnacle goose in Suommenlinna Helsinki
Swordscookie: Blossom time
Swordscookie: The famous Dom in Uppsala
Swordscookie: Palace Gardens in Uppsala
Swordscookie: A hooded crow steps out
Swordscookie: The old rustic bridge
Swordscookie: Walking hand in hand
Swordscookie: Early bird caught the worm
Swordscookie: Smoking ??? (a hubble bubble)
Swordscookie: A drive for the line
Swordscookie: A try? No it was held up
Swordscookie: Anybody seen Ronan?
Swordscookie: As the Ospreys struggle ROG gives them a hand
Swordscookie: A new-born calf steps out
Swordscookie: A new-born foal looks for Momma in the long grass
Swordscookie: A view of King John's Castle and Thomond Bridge Limerick
Swordscookie: Garrison church in Suommenlina
Swordscookie: Russian coastal defence gun at Suommenlinna
Swordscookie: A statue and two field guns on the grounds of a casino in Helsinki
Swordscookie: The Kings gate entrance to the fortress at Suomenlinna
Swordscookie: High and Dry
Swordscookie: The Bank of Finland - a lovely building.
Swordscookie: The Dom looks down on the river at Uppsala
Swordscookie: Coastal defence
Swordscookie: An ancient cannon looks out to sea thinking of great days gone by?
Swordscookie: The Orthodox cathedral near the harbour in Helsinki
Swordscookie: The Lutheran cathedral on Senate Square in Helsinki
Swordscookie: A tight formation
Swordscookie: A beauty
Swordscookie: A close thing