SWoo: Future home of Lucille Packard foundation
SWoo: P1050658
SWoo: P1050899
SWoo: IMG_0449
SWoo: P1050927
SWoo: P1050929
SWoo: future home of Lucile Packard Foundation HQ
SWoo: P1060627
SWoo: P1060628
SWoo: Artist's conception versus reality
SWoo: P1120706
SWoo: Lucile Packard HQ in progress
SWoo: fleeting advertising
SWoo: P1130771
SWoo: Lucile Packard Foundation in Progress
SWoo: P1140605
SWoo: P1140606
SWoo: P1140627
SWoo: P1140751
SWoo: P1140758
SWoo: took a long time from the framing of the middle part to filling out the sides
SWoo: the in side takes the longest based on progress since last photo
SWoo: P1170160
SWoo: Lucile Packard Foundation
SWoo: show the separation between the first raised wall on the left and the main structure
SWoo: P1180333
SWoo: copper plating
SWoo: IMG_1751
SWoo: Lucile Packard HQ
SWoo: work on the innards and landscaping in progress for last two weeks