Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Hardscape Installation Complete
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Interlocking Paver Edge Restraint Installed
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Carefull Cutting the Paver Circle Inlay
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Filling in the Field
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Versa-lok Raised Planters
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Circle Pattern
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Chrushed Limestone Patio Base
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Chrushed Limestone Patio Base
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Chrushed Limestone Patio Base
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Versa-lok Retaining Wall
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - The Before Image
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - The Before Image
Workshop at The Gardens: Paver Patio Front Entry - Welcome Home