Swissnex in San Francisco: The audience getting seated and waiting for the premiere to begin.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Julie Phelps, curator of the (x)Change festival from the San Francisco side, welcoming the audience to the Premiere of Swiss Works.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ivan Blagajčević performing "La d'Ivan Show".
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ivan Blagajčević works and lives in Zurich, Switzerland. He studied at the Theatre School in Amsterdam, and did a number of workshops in Croatia, Germany, Holland, Spain, and elsewhere.
Swissnex in San Francisco: He was named the best dancer in ‘Blue Friday,’ choreographed by Andrea Gotovina (CRO), performed at dance platform in Almada, Portugal, and won a best performance at the danceweek Festival in Zagreb, Croatia.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Nils Amadeus Lange performing his "666 renewed", the second part of a trilogy, which on an aesthetic level, deals with speculative realism and, on the content level, with the witches of today.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Nils Amadeus Lange lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland. He studied drama at the University of Arts in Bern, where he also did his MA in scenic art practice.
Swissnex in San Francisco: One of our new team members: Benjamin Bollmann enjoying the company at the VIP reception for the Premiere of Swiss Works.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Marie-Caroline Hominal performing her "The last dance", which is a work inspired by Salome dancing in front of her father and the Taxi Dancer, both sharing a moment of romance and intimacy in a short time.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Marie-Caroline received her dance education at the Schweizerische Ballettberufschule in Zurich and at the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London, where she joined the National Youth Dance Company in her last school year.
Swissnex in San Francisco: She produces works under pseudonyms such as MadMoiselle MCH, Silver, Fly Girl.
Swissnex in San Francisco: swissnex San Francisco CEO Christian Simm talking to Mona De Weerdt, visitor from Switzerland and active in the Zurich dance scene.