Swissnex in San Francisco:
Florian Bienefelt welcoming the audience to the event.
Swissnex in San Francisco:
Thomas Geffroyd sharing his knowledge about the video game industry. After working on major brands developed in Ubisoft Montreal Studio he helped develop and launch the new franchise Watch_Dogs.
Swissnex in San Francisco:
The audience was clearly intrigued by what they learned.
Swissnex in San Francisco:
Dr. Prof. Solange Ghernaouti, Director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group at the University of Lausanne, elaborates on ICT risk management - which she is an internationally recognized expert on.
Swissnex in San Francisco:
John Chuang, Professor in the School of Information at UC Berkeley. His research interests are in bio-sensory computing and human factors of security and privacy.
Swissnex in San Francisco:
After the presentation the dialogue was opened up to everyone and the speakers answered many questions from the engaged audience.
Swissnex in San Francisco:
In a more personal setting after the official discussion: The participants were able to ask the speakers questions.